How to contact the MI Service Center 1Suara

The MI Service Center is one of the places you can visit when the product you are  using or the product you are using is damaged. This service center is certainly dedicated to Xiaomi gadget products, which are sold at low prices but are dedicated to high-quality gadget products, so many people like it.

Compared to other gadgets, you might think that Xiaomi is one of the gadgets that can compete with other brands.  Both in terms of price and quality. Even these days, Xiaomi facilitates consumers when the gadgets they own are damaged.

Xiaomi offers Xiaomi service centers to different regions throughout Indonesia so that they can be improved. The MI Service Center, of course, this one facility is very eye-catching and calling for services that make it easy for its users.

Especially now, there are so many new gadget brands that are emerging as if they are heavy competitors in the entry-level class. We wonder if Xiaomi appears to be offering a new breakthrough by presenting repair services in different regions. So that consumers do not have to visit a central service center.

About Xiaomi brand gadgets

Xiaomi Co., Ltd. itself is indeed a China or Chinese private electronics company headquartered in Beijing, and the company has been established since 2010. This technology company is truly developing rapidly and is in circulation in many countries.

There are many pluses even between the price value and the specifications offered, so the product is also very loved.  Xiaomi smartphones are always offered at the price of terjangkau.  Despite the same specifications, the price of Xiaomi is more attractive when compared to smartphones of other brands.

There is also an MI Service Center that serves users all over Indonesia as explained above. Even with almost the same specifications, other brands and brands are sold at higher prices. Xiaomi itself has actually popularized a method of marketing hungry in which its products are sold at flash sale prices.

Xiaomi will pique fans because you can get sophisticated specifications at an affordable price, and the goods are also always sold in limited quantities. In addition, Xiaomi also has strong community support, and perhaps you are familiar with the mi fan club.

Mi fan clubs are communities that are one of Xiaomi’s marketing strategies, and Xiaomi is spoiling the community more than doing its marketing in different media. For example, users can be rooted without a confiscated warranty, and there are still plenty of events involving the Mi fan club.

Lightning repair service from Xiaomi

More interesting than Xiaomi is the new service through the MI service center.  The new service is a mobile phone repair that can be completed in as little as an hour. The repair service can also be enjoyed by all Xiaomi gadget users through eksklusif service center.

In order for Xiaomi users to enjoy repairs immediately, even exclusive service centers include Bekasi Bogor, Tangerang, Depok, Roxy Mas It is spread in several places including: If you want to try the service, you can go directly to the Xiaomi that you have chosen for the event.

Then, site will ask for registration, and when the consumer fills out the registration form in the system, it  will be possible to complete the smartphone until it is completed. An hour-long repair begins. Of course, we can do the work of the gadget in the hours or hours of Xiaomi Authorized Center, which is open from 09.00 to 18.00.

If you want to get a repair service facility at this 1-hour MI Service Center, you must also follow the applicable conditions that require an official warranty. Make sure your smartphone is still under warranty and spare parts are also available.

How do I contact the Customer Service Center?

In addition to the one-hour repair facility, Xiaomi also has a call center service.  In fact, it is the duty of every vendor to provide the best after-sales service to consumers. Xiaomi seems to be becoming more serious about marketing their products in the form of gadgets in Indonesia, but it is not surprising that some call center services are offered.

The Call Cent service works so that users can ask directly about problems and failures that have occurred on their smartphones. In addition to other mobile numbers, there is also an online customer service that allows users to chat with Xiaomi customer service in both ways.

In the MI service center or online customer service , you do not have to worry because you need to contact him to get guidance to solve the problem of Xiaomi gadgets. When it comes to small problems that arise with Xiaomi smartphones, the service can solve everything.

Later, if the guide does not succeed in freeing the smartphone from the problem, you will be asked to visit the service center according to the city where you live. There, as long as the gadget is within the warranty period, you can get repair service directly.

You can contact the call center service via phone or hotline service, and there is a live chat service, email, and several social media accounts. Some social media accounts allow you to direct messages and have an administrator who later responds to smartphone complaints and issues.

Mi Service Center account name and hotline number

For criticisms, suggestions and complaints about problems with smartphones,  you can contact the live chat service through the official website of Xiaomi, that is, You can also send an email in, but if it’s through an email address, describe your complaint in detail.

Don’t leave the subject line of the email blank, so make a quick note of the problem on your smartphone. In the body of the email, we will explain the problem in detail. We recommend that you use lists to make them easier to understand. After that, you can also contact customer service on social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

In the case of social media, you can contact the official fan page of Xiaomi, which is @XiaomiIndonesia. Previously, we have made sure that the social media pages are actually the official pages of Xiaomi itself to prevent unnecessary things from happening.  The MI Service Center will only reply during business hours.

If you want to have a two-way conversation, in addition to the chat service, you can call the hotline number (0800 1 40 1558). This service can only be contacted during working hours, i.e. from 09.00 to 18.000 WIB, and you can also ask for the location of the Xiaomi HP Warranty Call Center.

You can also get information about the customer service details about Xiaomi’s official website.  Next, look for the HotlineService or Customer Service option in the lower right section. On that page, you can connect directly and select the customer service you want to contact.

There is also customer service via WhatsApp (0821 1723 6765). For this whatsapp service, you can contact him from 09.00 to 21.00 WIB. So, if you want to contact the MI Service Center, you don’t have to worry anymore.

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